It was an accidental juxtaposition that I found amusing. I don't think PZ put it there on purpose - he probably never even saw it. It is one of the hazards of using google-ads to support your site that these sort of things will pop up every now and again.
Monday: Hili dialogue
Welcome to the start of a busy week: it’s Monday, March 10, 2025, National
Blueberry Popover Day. I’ve never had one, but I’m sure they’re good. It’s
also ...
Thank you
This is my last post for the Bad Astronomy Blog on Discover Magazine. As of
today – Monday, November 12, 2012 – the blog has a new home at Slate
Makes for good copy on a slow day, but it's still mostly B.S.
Good ploy to garner and hoard attention, though, as the "Skepchick" knows so well.
It was an accidental juxtaposition that I found amusing. I don't think PZ put it there on purpose - he probably never even saw it.
It is one of the hazards of using google-ads to support your site that these sort of things will pop up every now and again.
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