Just been sent this, is it official?
The Amaz!ng Meeting 2011 TAM 9
Revised Schedule
Due to unforseen circumstances some late alterations have been required to the order and content of talks at TAM 9.
Please note the new talk schedule
12.00 . Announcement of newly agreed policy on the use of chat up lines at atheist and skeptic conventions. Don’t Ask, (so we) Don’t Tell (you no).
13.00 Expert Panel discussion:
‘Women in the Atheist movement, are we being denied a voice?’
(With panelists PZ Myers, Greg Laden and Jeremy Stangroom)
14.00 Open discussion:
“Is suppression of dissention becoming a problem in the modern skeptic movement?”
This question will be answered by a show of hands amongst attendees.
14.15 Those who voted ‘Yes’ will be lined up, maced by Amanda Marcotte and escorted from the premises.
14.30 Apology to the Religious.
The Atheist movement as a whole (well, at least those unmaced by Amanda) announces an official apology to the religious community.
“We have previously stated that people do not have the right not to be offended by others. We realize now that we were wrong and offer our sincerest apologies. We promise to avoid all behavior or public statements that offends others because to do so in future would make us hypocrites of the highest order."
15.00 Book Burning
Please bring along your copies of ‘The Ancestors Tale, The Selfish Gene, The God Delusion and The Greatest Show on Earth.
Professor Dawkins, will be at hand to sign your copy before it is tossed on the pyre. Please come early as Professor Dawkins can only stay for one hour.
16.00 Richard Dawkins Burning.
Sponsored by ‘Accomodationists-R-Us’
16.30 Stoning of the gender traitors
17.00 2011 Anti-Misogynist award.
The presentation of the 2011 award for those individuals showing true example in avoiding privileged white male behavior towards women at atheist conferences.
This years award goes to the five Islamists who attended the Dublin Convention to promote Sharia Law.
17.30 The Winners of the James Randi 1 Million Dollar Challenge will be presented their prize. The 1 million will be divided evenly between the 500 individuals on the Pharyngula and Skepchick messageboards for their demonstration of perfect psychic abilities, mind reading exactly what was going on in the head of Elevator Guy.
18.00 Keynote Speaker. Rebecca Watson
“Misogyny in the atheist movement: What some random commenters on my youtube channel have to say.”
(Rebecca’s 60 minute talk will be followed by a 1 minute period for questions and macing.)
22.00 - 4 AM 'Annual Skepchicks Keg Party'
The Skepchick 2011 ‘Hot College Girls Tickle Fight’ will be judged, as usual, by Rebecca Watson.
Monday: Hili dialogue
Welcome to the start of a busy week: it’s Monday, March 10, 2025, National
Blueberry Popover Day. I’ve never had one, but I’m sure they’re good. It’s
also ...
1 hour ago
Nice... If I can't make it, can I just mace myself, or do I need to send in a SASE and have an envelope of mace mailed to me? Having a penis, I'm too privileged to know the right course of action here...
I cant get stoned. I will eat every food/food like substance within a five-mile radius if I get stoned. I have a figure to maintain, sir *frowny face*
I'm allergic to mace (it turns me into a feminist), can I request pepper spray instead?
I'm loving the expert panel. Seems like a perfectly fine group of women for the job! These ladies are just man enough to take it on!
Seriously, this is hysterical. You should know that I've tweeted you to my massive audience of like 2 dozen people. Yeah, I'll bring in the numbers.
/nod to erv for posting it.
OMG, you win the internet.
So much win.
Oh my! You're a gender traitor now!
Justicar, would you like to see my new tattoo?
Sorry, the only woman for me is PZ Myers! I can't wait to see her on that panel!
@ Justicar, thanks for this link, it made my day. This is hilarious.
Too bad. I don't actually swing this way but as much as you've made me laugh the last couple days, I don't think I'd kick you out of my elevator. ;)
I'm dying laughing here. I was going to say something, but I'm tearing up now. phew.
What if I promised to bring the coffee?
The schedule is fantastic but crowds make me nervous. I think I'll just hang out in the elevator.
Oh no, this is too hilarious! I'm cracking up laughing, and my vision is blurry because it's made me laugh so much they watered. :D
I know, Scented.
But you're going to hate learning that Dawkins and Watson have cleared the air. Abbie mediated it. Here's the release video.
The phrase "Skepchick: Sexy when we do it, sexist when you do it," comes to mind. Hilarious post!
Gee, makes me almost glad I'm not going, LOL!
Okay, I didn't do more than grin a little until I hit 17:30 on the schedule. THEN I fell out. That was so beautiful. ^.^
Funny stuff, Maynard!
Hysterical. I am squarely in the RW camp, in terms of her justifiably feeling creeped out, but the overreaction by the Skepchicks (trying to get someone fired for an obvious joke, for instance) has just soured me enough to hope for a pox on both their houses.
This whole us vs them debate is ridiculous. How much damage is this doing to the skeptical movement? I have never, ever felt inferior, as a skeptic, just because I am a woman. Yet this whole debate is now telling me I should feel that way. Feminism is fast becoming about superiority and not equality and as a successful business woman, I find this horrifying.
Don't let the secret out that you've been a success in life. Paula Kirby made the mistake of doing that, and she's getting pilloried for, you know, not whining about things instead of working towards her goals.
She's successful which, as they're saying, is the reason she can't understand what it's like for "normal" women.
Welcome to hell, pick a door: damned if you do, damned if you don't.
But the choice of the reason you'll be damned is entirely yours. Escaping your "privilege" by working hard and being meritoriously rewarded for the hard work, well, you're fucked.
You might as well be a man, gender traitor!
This is such an ugly situation.
Record: Biggest storm in the smallest teacup evar!
I have a question: Since the bars close in Dublin at 11:30pm when they kick people out, what was RW doing getting in the hotel lift at 4am anyway? Methinks her story has been "improved in the telling". *winky*
You forgot at 14:45 "Celebrate your inner ape: How to throw shit through the internet"
My God....Thank you. This has been one of the stupidest shitstorms on the internet and satire is direly needed. More posts on this blog please
Since the bars close in Dublin at 11:30pm when they kick people out...
In Ireland, residents of a hotel drinking in the hotel's bar are not subject to the usual licensing laws, and may legally be served alcohol 24/7.
Very funny!
TBH, I'm ready for us to stop bashing each other and get back to promoting secularism.
That was really the most brilliant thing I've read all day.
Omg, this is made of win, comments included!
Glorious, absolutely glorious!
I've been wearing the presumption of guilt male cilice for years now, but I really, really wish I could line up for RW's talk, with my lids peeled back so as to dutifully receive my mace and further pay for the original sin of my gender.
Hi, I don't know all of you yet, but I think I love you. All of you. Everyone posting in this thread. I thought I was too saddened by this non-incident to laugh, but apparently not.
This deserves to go viral in the place of that silly bingo card. Great stuff!
You know -
a) it's good satire, and
b) how far into the toilet the new, new atheists have dragged us
When half way through reading it you're still not surprised or aware it is satire.
You, Sir or Madam, are a genius. Mucho gusto.
"17.00 2011 Anti-Misogynist award.
The presentation of the 2011 award for those individuals showing true example in avoiding privileged white male behavior towards women at atheist conferences.
This years award goes to the five Islamists who attended the Dublin Convention to promote Sharia Law."
You dear sir, is a moron. Thanks a lot for reinforcing the stereotype that Atheists is a clueless boys club. Thanks for making my brain hurt from all the stupid.
I'm sorry I missed this the first time around. I was just reading through my old comments and saw it posted. Excellent.
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