A 14-year-old human calculator
Meet Aaryan Shukla, a 14-year-old boy from India, and one of those kids who
has this mysterious ability to do mathematics in his head–very rapidly.
Here he...
16 hours ago
I Don't Get It
You don't get it?
Isn't that how this whole thing started? ;)
My picture is not that involved. The whole elevators dispute seems to be getting portrayed as a black and white issue. I tend to see it as one of many intersecting interests and views, based on subjective values - hence the Venn diagram picture. If we start treating others as beyond the pale based on their particular subjective values then we are going to end up with a very small number who share the 'correct' viewpoint.
If we start treating others as beyond the pale based on their particular subjective values then we are going to end up with a very small number who share the 'correct' viewpoint.
It's the time of the Gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last. In the end, there can be only one with the most correct views... the Skeptic Highlander.
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