According to Rabbi Boteach, in an article on the Huffington Post, he describes his relationship with the Reverend Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary:
"I have enjoyed his company as a warm and unassuming man and as a lover"
Well, all the best from the Sneer Review team to the happy couple!
Not necessarily related to the above development there is no word on whether Boteach has changed his mind on whether quote-mining is still an acceptable behavior.
Bill Maher presents new posters
The latest 8-9 minute comedy/news bit hasn’t yet been posted on YouTube,
but there is a two-minute chuckle on new posters reflecting America’s new
set of a...
2 hours ago
Mazel Tov to the happy couple! I have already told all of my friends!
You had me going there for a minute.
Someone needs to learn how to strategically place commas.
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