Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Teach Both Sides Of The Controversy


cetuscript said...

haha. and yet it is still balanced.

Anonymous said...

yeah that's the point...

Justin Q said...

when mocking the controversy nonsense, i prefer the astronomy/astrology comparison. some people believe that the planets are really floating gods whose affairs control our destiny. teach both sides, let the kids choose!

Vern Yoder said...

Right! I actually teach these ideas in science class at a small public college. People misunderstand when I tell them I teach both sides. But I have found no scientific evidence for young earth/quick creation/ID, so there is nothing to present. I do talk about their "evidence", then show how it is all half-truth or made up stuff. The only thing I do teach from their "side" are the religious reasons behind the ID movement. So by all means, teach both sides. But be honest

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to mention the flying spaghetti monster.

Anonymous said...

Justin, people like to say let the children decide a lot, but giving someone the stupid option is the reason so many people in the US are stupid.

Seifer900 said...

This shouldn't even be a debate, and intelligent design shouldn't even be taught.

If there is a god (and I think there is), then he not only designed evolution, but also history, modern science, mathematics, etc. There's no need to teach his involvement in those other subjects, because its implied. So, same goes for evolution. Teach evolution, and if people choose to believe in God, then they still can!

Evolution does not disprove God, and anyone who thinks it does is kind of an idiot who is severely lacking in logic.

ohh_chariot said...

nicely said pwells, nicely said.

Seifer900 said...

If you teach intelligent design, then you might as well teach that God designed mathematics, science, and social studies, and every other subject. But of course, that's LUDICROUS and unnecessary.

There's no reason why you just can't teach evolution, and all the science behind it, and never mention God (just like every other subject in school) and then let the kids decide whether to believe in God or not.

holmeed said...

"Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear." - Thomas Jefferson

holmeed said...

"Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear." - Thomas Jefferson

Unknown said...

No one knows exactly what allows the insufficient voltages in the clouds to conduct all the way to the ground, not even B. Franklin. Cosmic particles are collected in underground salt chambers, kinda like that sack of fat in your head. I'm sure people have thought that whatever is out there is constantly streaming in, from that direction which may just seem like it to humans with short memories. String theory is beginning to unravel all that stuff about the seven spirits. Travel in to the Heavens is currently impeded by the fact that we can't have children without gravity, see Rev.12. Our whole environment is supposed to have been delivered by a guy who lived to be 800 years old, and came here in a ship we can't find. And what came before that is a story that might be about the "Adam" and "Eve" galaxies crashing the last time. What's really important is how we treat each other and use the time we have to make it better, better, better, ....oww!

Anonymous said...

Have you people ever BEEN to Kansas?
Or Wasilla?

Scary, frightened people.

Anonymous said...

I am a shamed to admit that i life here. I was born in a county with some IQ in Europe so here I am lost and without equals. I am in Texas, man is it backwards. Unbelievable!!!

Anonymous said...

@pwells - Sure evolution doesn't disprove the existence of a god, but it does put a pretty big dent in Christianity (along with many other scientific theories) Christians will ALWAYS try to fight science that isn't supported by the bible.

Seifer900 said...

How does it put a dent in Christianity? The NEW TESTAMENT is the basis for Christianity, which never once mentions creationism or homosexuals or any of the other controversies. In fact, Jesus frequently spoke out against many of the ideas of the Old Testament (which did mention creationism), especially the idea of an eye for an eye. If anything, this puts a dent in JUDAISM, but no one would dare attack Jews for fear of antisemitism.

Most Christians (and Jews for that matter) actually read the Old Testament as parables, like the parables Jesus taught with, and don't take it 100% literally.

Many (but certainly not all) atheists continually make the mistake of equating the extremists with the whole, which is a very narrow minded, almost bigoted viewpoint.

Sigmund said...

I think Christianity's problem with evolutionary theory is regarding Adam and Eve and the 'fall'. If you accept the modern scientific understanding of evolution then you will realize that Adam and Eve never actually existed and thus the story of the fall and original sin is simply a myth. That being the case why exactly did Jesus die?
For a metaphor?

Anonymous said...

He died i believe because he was nailed to a cross for days without food or water