They really must try to avoid leaving these documents in the photocopier.
Again I cannot comment on my sources or the veracity of the document but it shows all the hallmarks of the real thing.
The Wedgwood Document
In a famous 1952 article, ‘Why there is no God’ commissioned by ‘Illustrated Magazine’, the famous atheist Bertrand Russell wrote:
“If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion .............. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.”
This point, the notorious ‘Russell’s Teapot’ question has been a thorn in the side of religious advocates ever since. Every time we tell atheists that they have not disproved God they invariably bring up Russell’s teapot. We are told that just because we too cannot disprove Russell’s teapot this logically means that any particular invented deity, such as The Pink Unicorn, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Zeus or Allah, cannot also be disproved and such are just as evidentially based as the one true God. Even Richard Dawkins uses the analogy both in ‘The God Delusion’ and on his frequent media appearances, to mock the basis of believers sincerely held faith.
What these infuriating atheists failed to realize is that if Russell’s Teapot could be disproved then the final defence of atheistic materialism will fall. Far from being a logical deathblow to belief in a personal God, the analogy is the Achille’s heel of atheism, for, if we can indeed detect Russell’s teapot in orbit, then it naturally follows that God CAN be empirically proven.
This crushing defeat of atheisms most compelling argument can only lead to one outcome, the inevitable weakening of materialism and the ushering in a new age of piety and faith-based hope for billions.
But how to do so?
Clearly we require two factors to achieve our aim;
1) Russell’s teapot,
2) A powerful space telescope.
By a quirk of God-given fate, both of these prerequisites have just become available to us, offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to provide humanity with the ultimate proof of Gods existence.
The Teapot
Years of diligent research efforts by a highly motivated team of workers at the Institute of Discovery have finally managed to trace Russell’s teapot. The item in question was last known to be in the possession of members of the family of the late Yuen Ren Chao, the famous linguist and friend of Russell’s, before disappearing from public sight in the late 1960’s.

Bertrand Russell visiting the teapot in the Chao household (1962).
It is only now, more than four decades later, that it was finally uncovered in a San Francisco yard sale and put up for auction in Ebay whereupon it was tracked down and purchased by our crack Institute of Discovery team.

Russell’s Teapot secured by the Institute of Discovery (2008)
The teapot, clearly identical to that visible in this photo of Russell on one of his rare visits to the Chao family, was secured using $2 million of funding from our Templetown grant, provided to show the public practical and beneficial results of ID research.
Space Telescope
While ID proponents have, to date, concentrated primarily on biological sciences - in particular the theory of Darwinian evolution, this is but one aspect of the many faceted materialistic philosophy of ‘science’ that we aim to ultimately overthrow.
We have every hope to emulate our successful approach towards Darwinian evolution (described as “breathtaking” by liberal activist Judge Jones at Dover) in disciplines such as physics, geology and chemistry.
To begin with we turn our attention towards astronomy and cosmology.
The Hubble Space Telescope is widely recognized as being one of the most successful projects in the NASA’s history. Its cameras aimed at the heavens have, for nearly two decades, provided spectacular views of the wonders of Gods creation. The startling clarity of these images of galaxies, nebulae, star clusters and even our planetary neighbors have been, for many, a testament to the ingenuity of NASA’s staff but, unfortunately, an inspiration for many young people to think that materialistic based ‘science’ can provide the ultimate answers to their deepest questions.
The principle of the Hubble’s operation is the acquisition of photons of energy originating from distant objects that are focused on a powerful digital detector within its main camera.
This allows the telescope to convert these collections of photons into the awe-inspiring images we are all familiar with.
The success of Hubble has not come without a cost, however, and the telescope is designed for a limited functional lifetime that can be extended only though costly and dangerous repair missions.
The recent failure of the main camera and associated stabilizing gyroscopes has, fortuitously for our plan, necessitated a repair mission to Hubble, scheduled for late 2008.
While repair of the Hubble as originally planned would provide for the continuing employment of hundreds of astronomers worldwide, the continuation of the USA’s pre-eminence in the field of astronomy and the inspiration regarding science of further generations of American schoolchildren it can be argued that it may indeed provide some positive benefits too. Unfortunately these are not enough to outweigh the destructive effects of scientific materialism.
Indeed it can be logically argued that, based on the consensus view of the origin of the universe amongst the American public, the Hubble has now collected all the available data from objects within 6000 light-years distance from the earth.
Institute of Discovery scientists have devastatingly pointed out that, since the speed of light is constant in the vacuum of deep space, it naturally follows to be worthless looking for objects further away than the 6000 light-year ‘creation-horizon’.
We, in conjunction with our political allies have proposed a unique solution to NASA’s evident embarrassment over the pointless Hubble repair mission.
Instead of taking the heavy replacement camera and gyroscopes to Hubble we will instead use the upcoming mission of NASA astronauts to tether Russell’s teapot to a position directly in front of the main aperture (see attached picture).

Institute of Discovery artist impression of newly modified Hubble Space Telescope
The use of an inexpensive and reliable webcam is that’s required to capture and transmit live pictures of Russell’s teapot back to earth. These will be broadcast live on a 24 hour constant showing on NASA TV, which at the moment is cluttered with materialistic based ‘science’ from pointless missions such as Cassini-Huygens, Chandra-Xray telescope, Mars Rovers and Explorer and the International Space Station. The genius of our plan is the simultaneous elimination of the current objectionably materialistic NASA TV broadcasts and their replacement with live pictures that destroy the ‘Russell’s Teapot’ analogy.
Our project (Mission Wedgwood) has been favorably received by our many influential supporters in Washington. While we anticipate some minor resistance amongst the astronomy community we feel hopeful that the project is approved and scheduled for blast-off this coming year. We ask all our supporters to continue to lobby their local congressional representatives to approve ‘Mission Wedgwood’ and to pray for God’s help on this critical matter.